
UMH 138 The King of Love My Shepherd Is

UMH 144 This is My Father’s World

UMH 189 Fairest Lord Jesus

UMH 191 Jesus Loves Me

UMH 301 Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross

UMH 348 Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling

UMH 349 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

UMH 361 Rock of Ages

UMH 369 Blessed Assurance

UMH 375 There is a Balm in Gilead

UMH 378 Amazing Grace

UMH 393 Spirit of the Living God

UMH 396 O Jesus I Have Promised

UMH 397 I Need Thee Every Hour

UMH 398 Jesus Calls Us

UMH 400 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

UMH 430 O Master Let Me Walk With Thee

UMH 504 The Old Rugged Cross

Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley

My Shepherd Will Supply My Need

Swing Low Sweet Chariot